Interview with Dr. Ted Naiman – The P: E Diet Book – “Leverage Your Body to Achieve Optimal Health”

Interview with Dr. Ted Naiman – The P: E Diet Book – “Leverage Your Body to Achieve Optimal Health”   In this post, Mike Berta interviews Dr. Ted Naiman on his release of The P: E Diet” Book and his thoughts on various topics regarding protein, metabolic health, and fat loss. Mike is a dad, …

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7 Reasons to Bodybuild – Guest post by Menno Henselmans

Bodybuilding. The word immediately evokes distaste in many people. Bronzed, oiled up men in thongs showing off their clearly unnaturally large bodies. And women that look just like men. I understand the stigma. Yet I consider myself a bodybuilder and in this article I’ll show you why you probably should be bodybuilding too. At its core, if …

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A Quick Look at Creatine

Creatine 101 What’s the deal with creatine? I hear so many misconceptions on this supplement, which is actually one of the most researched supplements in the sports nutrition world. Such as it’s a steroid, it doesn’t do anything, you will destroy your kidney’s if you take it (no study as ever showed increased kidney stress …

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Metabolism Efficiency on Keto: Alessandro Ferretti

There are a few myths and misconceptions on Keto in regards to Metabolic Efficiency and energy requirements. Some people think calories do not matter on keto, some others think that staying long term on keto actually downregulates metabolism… but what is the truth? In this interview,  Luis talks with Alessandro Ferretti, England based Nutritionist who has …

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Ketogains Kitchen – On “Rapid Fat Loss” and Making the Process Enjoyable

On Rapid Fat Loss and its Implications   Rapid fat loss could for a small sized man or woman implicate a daily caloric intake as low as 800-1200 Kcal. In this case, adherence to the diet can be challenging and going for a whole food based PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) has been found to help …

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Chase Results, Not Ketones

In their myopic “chasing of ketones”, a lot of low carbers have been decieved into chasing ketones, instead of results. They forget why they even started Keto in the first place, and in most cases, they did so to lose weight (yes, there are other valid approaches such as increased mind focus, treating a neurological …

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Because this has to be said, my shower-thought of the day: I see a lot of people complaining about “hunger” when dieting – “I’m doing a ketogenic diet… why am I hungry? – I read I should not feel hunger on a ketogenic diet”… Well, let me tell you: Hunger is not necessarily a bad …

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Keto Myths Debunked: Coach Menno Henselmans Interviewed About Optimizing a Keto Diet

menno henselmans and luis villaseñor picture for their video discussing keto myths

We interviewed top physique coach and researcher Menno Henselmans to clear some keto myths and get his points on how to optimize a ketogenic diet from a training point of view.  Among many things, we discussed: Metabolic Damage / Starvation Mode Thoughts on the recent NUSI (Kevin Hall) Study (The Insulin hypothesis / metabolic advantage of …

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