Body Recomposition
Ketogains Boot Camps – July Edition
Ready to take the next step in your fitness and nutritional goals? Well we have the thing just for you: Ketogains Boot Camps. Our greatest experts and coaches will be conducting two paid private boot camps for beginners and intermediates. This is the opportunity to join a private group of people for motivation and receiving …
Life Change – The Cost of Investment
Life Change, of course, is not easy. I grew up in a Southern Baptist church. I still attend regularly. One of the interesting things that I saw growing up was that every time a Summer Revival week would come around was that the same handful of people in the church who had felt they were …
The Two Fears that Sabotage Change
It’s become a recurring thought in my head about how to share with people who have a long journey of self- Change ahead of them something that I’ve learned from 9 years trying to become the person I want to be. How do you take all of the successes, all of the struggles, and …
What Makes Muscles Grow?
Great little TED-ED video by Jeffrey Siegel that explains the basics for building muslce: Eating enough protein (protein is the building block of muscle tissue) – as per the FAQ, between 0.8 up 1.2g per lean pound (more is not necessarily better). Eating adequate calories – to build muscle, you need extra energy from enough calories -You can’t …
The Ketogains TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) Protocol
The TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) protocol is a specialist and advanced approach for ketogenic athletes that will allow one to lift harder and heavier, do some extra reps, as well as promote muscle growth while minimizing fat gain (as long as diet and training are on par, of course). The Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD) is nothing more …
Read moreThe Ketogains TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) Protocol
Weight Loss Secrets…. REVEALED!
Ok guys. Now that I got your attention, please read this. I felt the words below were poignant and highly relevant to many people struggling with weight loss. The public needs to realize that achieving significant weight loss is a monumentally challenging, mind-numbing, daily grind. It’s not a stroll through the park where you’re …
Ketogains Novice Strength Training Program (5×5)
If you are a novice or beginner in strength training / muscle building (a beginner will be defined by your strength standards, not by if you have exercised before in your life) and actually want to make gains in muscle mass and strength, then this is the program for you. The Ketogains 5×5 program is …
How to Estimate Your Body Fat Percentage (BF %)
What is the measurement of body fat percentage? Put simply, the measure of body fat percentage is assessing what portion of your body is made up of fat. The remaining weight spread between organs, water, muscle tissues, bones, etc. If you weigh 200 pounds, and 20 pounds of that is fat, then your body fat percentage …