Body. Mind. Empowered.

Explore the benefits of whole food, low carb dieting and achieve your optimal body composition with the help of the Ketogains Protocol.

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At Ketogains, we will teach you to master your body and achieve your optimal body composition. Our virtual programs – One on One Coaching, the Ketogains Bootcamp, Fasttrakk –  are the best resource for providing our clients with evidence-based advice and guidance from what to eat to what exercises to perform. Enroll now to empower your body and mind, and become a Ketogains success story!

“That which is not measured, cannot be managed”

With the help of our Macro Calculator, you will take the first step toward the results you are looking for.

7 Reasons to Bodybuild – Guest post by Menno Henselmans

Bodybuilding. The word immediately evokes distaste in many people. Bronzed, oiled up men in thongs showing off their clearly unnaturally large bodies. And women that look just like men. I understand the stigma. Yet I consider myself a bodybuilder and in this article I’ll show you why you probably should be bodybuilding too. At its core, if

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Be a victor over your circumstances, not a victim.