The Ketogains Guide To Alcohol
The Ketogains Guide To Alcohol: What to drink; When to drink, How to drink, And how it affects ketosis.
The Ketogains Guide To Alcohol: What to drink; When to drink, How to drink, And how it affects ketosis.
Dieting and Psychology, Luis interviews his bro Adam Ali of Physiqonomics on all things related. you can’t miss it as we go through his great view on how to do a great diet and his experience with keto dieting. Adam Ali has been around the industry for a long time. He is one of those great …
This post is a rant. I’ll clearly own and admit that it is. I love SMART goals as they pertain to business, professional, and personal goals related to project management, task completion, and the like. Here’s where I rebel. I coach a number of clients – both in group setting and as a private coach. …
There is a quote by Socrates, the Greek philosopher, which says, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” This is, at face value, trite. It’s the stale sort of first-semester psychology major quote that you’ve heard a hundred times, or seen tattooed on the side of some 19 year old in a two-piece bikini at …
The best way to learn how to follow the Ketogains program is understanding our food pyramid. This Infographic will guide you in the correct ways to plan your macros and eat accordingly, without risking any setbacks to any of your goals. More than just focusing on what to eat or what not. We emphasize the correct …
There are a number of reasons that you may not be performing optimally – you may not be eating sufficient amounts of calories (be they protein, fat, or carbohydrate) for performance and recovery, you may not be getting adequate rest, you could be under a great deal of stress; it’s also possible that all three …
Life Change, of course, is not easy. I grew up in a Southern Baptist church. I still attend regularly. One of the interesting things that I saw growing up was that every time a Summer Revival week would come around was that the same handful of people in the church who had felt they were …
It’s become a recurring thought in my head about how to share with people who have a long journey of self- Change ahead of them something that I’ve learned from 9 years trying to become the person I want to be. How do you take all of the successes, all of the struggles, and …
In Part 2, Tyler continues his talk about how the ketogenic diet is not a one-size-fits-all but rather depends on the CONTEXT of the individual. Here he dives a little deeper into beginning to understand ketogenic macronutrients. Check part 1 here.
During our first Ketogains summit on ketogenic lifestyle we had some great ketnotes Tyler Cartwright explains the basics of a Ketogenic diet, in CONTEXT. This is part one of the session. Check part two here There are various definitions and lines of thought on what a Ketogenic Diet is. 75% Fat? 90% Fat? 100% Fat? …